Sunday, January 11, 2009

Obama's first foreign trip as president: Canada

WASHINGTON – President-elect Barack Obama plans to take his first international trip to Canada.

Transition aides said Saturday that Obama picked the United States' northern neighbor as his first venture outside the country as president. Aides say they could not discuss the date for the trip or its agenda.

A transition official says aides to the president-elect and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper discussed the trip in recent days. But the official says Obama and Harper themselves have not directly discussed the trip.
Read on.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

I loved my visit to Canada and the people were all very nice. Believe me I was so much touble I had no idea even the money was different. I took the tour and everyone explain the site of the Country. The tour guide even went the extra mile to more places for me and Peaches to see. Everyday people stop and said hello it was like the old USA. Now the US Embassy in Canada looks like a jail it was so embarrassing I told the guard. One question I go from many Canadians was how much they loved Americans and how did we put Bush in twice. That question I just couldn't answer but looking at how many Americans aren't educated it makes since now.