Sunday, January 11, 2009

Blowhard News for Sunday morning edition.

Wingnut John Ziegler pays David Shuster a second visit from Planet Bizarro

Crooks and Liars:

John Ziegler, the wingnut "documentary filmmaker" who got that much-discussed interview with Sarah Palin, showed up for a second go-round yesterday afternoon with MSNBC's David Shuster after making a national ass of himself earlier in the day during Shuster's morning news show.

In many respects, it was just a repeat of what we've already seen from Ziegler -- a prickly ideologue who quickly descends into abuse and dismissal, relying on simple tropes and an aggressively picayune attacking style to carry his argument. You'll recall that obscene exchange he had with Nate Silver in which he in short order began attacking Silver as a "pinhead" and a "hack" and wrapped it all up by telling him to go Cheney himself.

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