Sunday, January 11, 2009

Current Gaza crisis from “Mosaic Intelligence Report”

This week’s “Mosaic Intelligence Report” takes stock of various reports about the current Gaza crisis from Middle Eastern media outlets as the conflict reached the 14-day mark. Needless to say, we’re not likely to hear all these voices on CNN.

Link TV:

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Israel was allowed to settle on part of Palestine land in 1948 after the Jewish Holocaust. Israel has planet Jewish cells in the US to take over all of Palestine. Many rich powerful Jewish people in the US even in the US Govenment have been planning this for many many years. US money has been used for everything from weapons, live styles of Israel and mush more. Israel turned to use Presients of the pass by using the Holocaust and the bible to push their mission. Then came a gift fron Satan, George W. Bush. For 8 years Jewish people have push money and weapons as fast as possible into Israel. Israel's hope for Joe Lieberman vanished as Obama won the Election. Now the US/Israel/Abbas had to rush to invade Palestine and kill as many people as possible. Cluster bomes were used to kill alot of people at one time. One sad note was seeing 12 children/3 adults tell Israel solders their home was bombed. As the camera run the soldiers advised the people to go in a UN safe home and the cameraman said how nice the soldiers were. 12 hours later Israel bombed that home and all were killed the same camera man broke down and cried and said they sent them to the house and killed them. We see what's happening as Israel says 6 Israel people die/3 soldiers and in Palestine 800 dead 1/3 children and 3000 injured. As Israel said for one dead Jewish person all must die. We are watching the Palestine Holocaust Massacre that will end on Jan. 20th when Bush is finished his rain of terror on the US and the World.