Thursday, January 08, 2009

Dick awkwardly stands before Congress as Pelosi interrupts his speech to applaud Obama’s victory.

lol Priceless...


Today, Vice President Cheney stood before Congress and read the official results of the 2008 presidential election. After reading the electoral totals, he declared that they “shall be entered, together with a list of the votes, in the journals of the Senate and the House of Representatives.” Just as he was about to move on to other business, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) — who was sitting next to him at the podium — jumped up from her seat and began applauding, much to the surprise of Cheney. Within seconds, the rest of the chamber was loudly cheering, with Cheney left looking slightly uncomfortable.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

It's suck up time and Pelosi is first in line. Many of the Democratic Senior Law Makers are going to try and push Obama around but they have a big surprise coming. Obama has not only the American people on his side but he has people all over the World. Now that's something none of those guys have. John Kerry is pushing to taste Obama. Kerry lost me when he back stabbed John Edwards. My opinion of John Kerry is fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I wont be fooled twice by John Kerry as he's off my honest list.