Thursday, January 08, 2009

Lesbian couple, Lilly Ledbetter invited on Obama’s inaugural whistle stop tour.


The Washington Blade reports that “lesbian couple Lisa Hazirjian and her partner Michelle have been invited to join” President-elect Obama and Vice President-elect Biden on their Whistle Stop train ride to the nation’s capital leading up to the inauguration. “Hazirjian, who is from Ohio, serves as an at-large board member of Equality Ohio, as a member of the Cleveland Stonewall Democrats and as a volunteer for Cleveland Families Count, an organization formed to defend the new domestic partner registry in the city.” Obama, who is supportive of civil unions, has said he is “not in favor of gay marriage.”

Update:Gregg Weaver -- Joe Biden’s Amtrak conductor -- and equal pay advocate Lilly Ledbetter will also be on the train ride.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

I'm glad Obama didn't forget Mrs. Ledbetter because her problem will effect every American.

Can I call you Joe must be proud to have his train conductor with him for the ride. The Amtrak is selling one week tickets for only 10 dollars as a gift to Joe Biden. Now even people who go to work will be able to play only 10 dollars and ride for a week. Sweet