Thursday, January 08, 2009

Passing the baton; Open thread.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Let's look at Bush vs Obama. Bush a true idiot/drunk/druggie and dirty nothing. Obama smart educated, respectful, manners and all around nice guy. Obama read about the Presidents in 1981 who had lunch together and like a smart young man said how about we do the same thing. Along comes Daddy Bush with nothing important to say, his idiot son who messed up the US and the World. Then Clinton and Carter both who will be working with Obama/Biden to repair the US image. Yes Bill and Jimmy have alot of work to do in the 8 years ahead. While Daddy Bush will have to wonder why the Bush Family name was destroyed. Prescott Bush plotted to kill FDR, Daddy Bush Contra scandal, Jeb illegally gave GW Florida's electorial votes and GW a two time President to almost brought the US down to nothing and caused chaos, lies, murder all over the world.
History wont be kind to the name Bush and there is more to will bring it down further as the years go on.