Thursday, July 10, 2008

Open Thread for Thursday.

Read the rest at Mock Paper Scissors

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Now let's look back to when Pelosi wasn't Speaker of the House. Yes she said the right words and spoke of only serving the people. Once given the top job she changed why? As with other turn coats it's all about the money. Pelosi would have been a dream for Nixon. Bush has committed more crimes then any President and with Pelosi's help Bush will go free. Yes Pelosi gives meaning to " everyone has a price ". This is why people can't trust elected officials. Look at Feinstein who's husband got business contracts for her support of the criminal Bush policies. How many others sold out the American voters they represent. Ever wonder why the oil prices are so high it's because the numbers are growing for those who get kick backs for their cooperation in the criminal acts of the White House.