Thursday, July 10, 2008

Rove thumbs his nose at Judiciary Committee hearing.

Today, Karl Rove was set to appear under subpoena before the House Judiciary Committee to discuss the politicization of the Justice Department. Yesterday, Rove’s lawyer wrote a letter declaring Rove would not testify, citing executive privilege:

And I agree with Don Siegelman's comments that the House Committee needs to arrest Karl Rove.


As Siegelman notes about Rove during the VR interview:

This is a guy who has told Congress that he will not show up under subpoena unless he is not sworn to tell the truth, unless he has the questions in advance, and unless he is assured that nobody is writing down his answers. Now does that sound like somebody who's prepared to tell the truth?...We won't know the truth until Congress digs it out, and that's why it is so incredibly important that anybody that reads your blog or listens to it or watches it gets on the phone, gets on their computer, or writes Congress and tells them to hold Karl Rove in contempt if he does not show up to testify on July 10th....[H]e needs to be held in contempt, needs to be arrested, needs to be brought in and made to sit before Congress and answer questions.

The American people deserve to know the truth. The American people deserve to know who was involved in perverting our democracy and subverting our Constitution. The American people deserve to know who hijacked the Department of Justice and used it as a political tool to retain or gain power.

The only place that the American people can turn to restore justice in this country and to preserve our democracy is the United States Congress. We have to ask Congress to find the truth and to hold those people accountable who are responsible for these perversions of justice.
Update: During the hearing, Rep. Chris Cannon (R-UT) revealed that Rove had not only skipped out of the hearing, but had skipped out of the entire country.

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