Thursday, July 10, 2008

SPB News for Thursday.

Commission wants to rein in warmongering US presidents Two former U.S. Secretaries of State are recommending that the United States change its procedures for deciding to go to war. James Baker and Warren Christopher say a U.S. president should be required by law to consult with Congress before going to war. And they want to require Congress to approve or disapprove the action within 30 days. The legislation proposed by Baker and Christopher's commission would require a president to consult with Congress before sending troops into combat for more than a week.

Iran blames West for 'artificially' raising oil prices, says war threat is a 'joke' Iran's president has blamed the West for "artificially" raising crude oil prices, and dismissed fears that Israel and the U.S. could be preparing to attack his country as a "funny joke." President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, on a visit to Malaysia, told a news conference Tuesday that the global production of oil is much more than consumption, suggesting economics are not behind today's record-high prices. "So it is very clear and obvious that the market does not have a role in raising prices. There are some others that are determining the oil price for the benefit of the few, very rich people of the world," he said.

Ahmadinejad criticized Iran's arch foe, the United States, in every answer. He blamed Washington for the world economic crisis and maintaining a nuclear weapons stockpile while opposing Tehran's "peaceful" nuclear program. He also questioned the United States' permanent membership in the U.N. Security Council, its occupation of Iraq, and held it responsible for illegal drug production in Afghanistan.

Russia threatens military response to US missile defence deal Russia threatened to retaliate by military means after a deal with the Czech Republic brought the US missile defence system in Europe a step closer. The threat followed quickly on from the announcement that Condoleezza Rice signed a formal agreement with the Czech Republic to host the radar for the controversial project. Moscow argues that the missile shield would severely undermine the balance of European security and regards the proposed missile shield based in two countries as a hostile move.

General: Iraq needs long-term US military 'help' The general who led efforts to train Iraq's army and police units said Wednesday that progress is mixed and long-term U.S. 'help' is needed. In his testimony Wednesday, Army Lt. Gen. James Dubik recommended streamlining laws and rules that he said have delayed U.S. military equipment purchases by Iraq. Iraq has ordered $2.7 billion in equipment, but received just $1.4 billion, he wrote.

US Iraq war hero Joseph Dwyer dies of apparent drugs overdose A US army medic who became a symbol of American heroism and integrity in the Iraq war has died of an apparent drugs overdose. The premature death of Joseph Dwyer at the age of 31 has highlighted the neglect many American veterans believe they face once they return home.

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