Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wingnut News for Sunday's early edition.

In Bernie Goldberg's world, even the dictionaries have a liberal bias
I somehow missed this earlier in the week, but
Ellen at NewsHounds and Jason Linkins at HuffPo caught Bernard Goldberg's being the classic conservative wanker that he is.
Goldberg, on Bill O'Reilly's show Wednesday, started out claiming, like Angela McGlowan, that Jackie Mason's use of the racial slur "schvartze" isn't "a bad word." Then Bill O'Reilly noted that his dictionary, quite accurately, notes that the word is frequently used as a pejorative:
O'Reilly: OK, but here's what the dictionary says. The dictionary says the word s-c-h-v-a-r-t-z-e -- "often disparaging and offensive."
Goldberg: Forgive my arrogance. The dictionary is written by some liberal person.

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