Sunday, March 22, 2009

WaMu sues FDIC for more than $13 billion over forced sale

Washington Mutual, the bankrupt, seized and "under investigation" financial institution which saw some operations forcibly sold off to JPMorgan Chase in 2008, is suing the agency that guarantees Americans' deposits, and that agency is running low on funds.

Washington Mutual (WaMu), formerly one of the nation's most prestigious banks and alleged holder of over $307 billion in assets, is suing the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for more than $13 billion over the roll-up of its banking division into JPMorgan Chase & Co.Washington Mutual was seized by federal regulators in Sept. 2008; the company filed for bankruptcy immediately thereafter. The ensuing investigation "one of the largest and most complex federal investigations ever undertaken in Western Washington," a US Attorney told the Seattle Times"

In a complaint filed with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, the thrift's former parent accused the FDIC of having on January 23 made a 'cryptic disallowance' of its claims, prompting the lawsuit," reported Reuters.

"It also accused the FDIC of agreeing to an unreasonably low price in arranging the a $1.9 billion sale of the banking business to JPMorgan on September 25, when regulators seized Washington Mutual and appointed the FDIC as receiver."

"On a Friday night in September 2008, the government forced WaMu into a shotgun marriage with new owners at pennies on the dollar. The FDIC seized the bank and then sold it to JPMorgan Chase for $1.9 billion," reported MSNBC.

"[A] federal task force continues to comb through a mountain of documents looking into possible criminal charges against WaMu executives. It's looking for fraud in how the company built such an unstable business based on subprime mortgages."

Read on.


PrissyPatriot said...

Oh I'm sure they'll find fraud-but it won't just be for the so-called 'subprime' mortgages. This could get really interesting...

airJackie said...

Look for more law suits as even the crooks are sueing the taxpayers because they can't steal anymore. This is a GOP plan to bankroupt the US and with luck kick Obama out of Office so the GOP can replace him with McCain/Palin and the new US Treasury Secretary Joe the Plummer. Now don't think the Grand Poobah Limbaugh is left out he will hold a high Cabinet job just to make sure free drugs come his way and of couse the little children. Foley will be back to continue his actions as he will be in charge of the youth again. Those good old days will be back.