Sunday, March 22, 2009

Open thread for Sunday.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Funny what makes people react. Now for 8 years all this has been going on and Americans acted like they were helpless and put their hands in the sand. After 11 Trillion dollars was stolen and now with Bush out of Office these same people are outraged. Think about it! Your house is being robbed as you watch the robbers take piece by piece your home apart as Bush is the police officer and you are afraid to tell him because it's his friends robbing you. Bush leaves office and Obama takes over. The Robbers are down to just a couple of bricks and wood left so you call Obama and demand he do something to stop this plus give you back everything that you had stolen. Tim Geitner says he will look to recovering a much as possible. While your Republican neighbors say it's Obama's fault for the crimes done and Tim Geithner. Still the criminals are protected to come back again. This should make Americans understand why were ranked so low in education as we only need to look at the people we pick to represent us. Obama sounds like a teacher educating not only Americans but the Media. At lease the World now knows we are no longer the wise leaders we once were as Bush proved just how low we've dropped as a Country. The truth always hurts but if you think this is a lie, listen to some of the Law Makers or the Media that proved my point.