Sunday, March 22, 2009

Leaked AIG memo to employees: 'Don't wear anything that says AIG on it'

AIG corporate security memo advises employees on how not to fall victim to the populist horde calling for their heads.

Employees were warned not to wear any clothing with the AIG logo, to travel in pairs and park in well-lit places, and to phone security if they notice anyone 'spending an inordinate amount of time near an AIG facility'.


PrissyPatriot said...

LOL what no bragging regarding working for organized criminal enterprise? Ah, how times have changed...

airJackie said...

What's sad is the little employees never got a bonus it was the top insiders who walked away with the big bucks year after year. Now it's the name AIG that represents Corruption and Greed. Look for the company to fall as in the background Goldamn Sachs will waiting to eat them alive as they did with the others. Liddy knows exactly what will happen and he took the dollar but got the shares that he will sell when AIG collapses. Now I can see Goldman Sachs taking over from all the companies they help bring down and become the only Investment company standing to serve the US and the World. GREED IS GOOD AND GOLDMAN SACHS KNOWS HOW TO DESTROY EVEN 200 YEAR OLD COMPANIES WITH THE HELP OF THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION.