Sunday, March 22, 2009

Obama responds to criticism from Supreme leader Dick.

WASHINGTON — President Obama has hit back at Dick Cheney, the former vice president, calling Bush administration policy on detainees at the military prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, “unsustainable.”

“How many terrorists have actually been brought to justice under the philosophy that is being promoted by Vice President Cheney?” Mr. Obama said on Friday in an interview that will air Sunday on the CBS program “60 Minutes.” The president was responding to recent charges by Mr. Cheney that the administration’s decision to shut down the Guantánamo prison, along with other policies on the treatment of terrorism suspects, would make the United States more vulnerable to attacks.

Bush administration terrorism policy “hasn’t made us safer,” Mr. Obama said, according to excerpts of the interview released Saturday. “What it has been is a great advertisement for anti-American sentiment.”
Read on.


Anonymous said...

Well former Supreme leader, anyhow I was watching live CSpan from Washington DC this morning and everyone was calling in commenting on the NY Times article that the Former Supreme leader and the Gerbil should be tryed and held to the laws that all others much.
Much more in favor of it.
Of course since this was really a fair and balanced show, we had the one's with the Southern accents on saying how the Gerbil Administration kept us safe blah blah..
...ya safe really?! then why didn't they prevent 9-11? Seems they had so much inside information, you know WMDs in Iraq and ya, the nukes in Iran (better information than the IAEA?!)

airJackie said...

As the Jedi was told DO! Now Cheney has every right to be upset as he will be charged international with the deaths of many around the world and even attempted murder of World Leaders. Cheney knows with the actions Obama is taking the Assassination Squad will be exposed. Bush will also be charged with War Crimes is done with Israel for the Palestine Holocaust. The International Court knows the blueprint used by Israel is the one used by the United States. Cheney is afraid the unexplained deaths of those involved in the illegal invasion will come to light. I know UK's Dr. Kelly was one victim but looking over the evidence with the Pat Tillman murder you gave to now question why the evidence was destroyed and by who? Why was Pat the only one directly killed when no one else. The bullet was a direct target clear and make to kill at once. How many other countries will take a closer look at murders that just didn't seem right?