Monday, March 23, 2009

Howard Dean on Wall Street compensation: Americans don’t understand rewarding people who did ‘a crappy job.’


During his inaugural appearance on CNBC’s Squawk Box this morning as a paid commentator, Howard Dean told the CNBC regulars that he believed they were misreading the public’s reaction to Wall Street excess. Dean said that rather than resenting the wealth of Wall Street as a matter of course, Americans simply believe that “you shouldn’t get rewarded…for doing a crappy job”:

DEAN: I think you guys are looking at this the wrong way. I don’t think people resent Wall Street because they’re making millions of dollars. Everybody wants to be rich in this country. I think people resent Wall Street for making millions of dollars while the folks who are reading the newspaper are out of work. You shouldn’t get rewarded in a capitalist system for doing a crappy job. That’s what the issue is.

1 comment:

PrissyPatriot said...

The media just can stand it when Dr Dean has the remedy...notice they never bring up his "10 points against going to war in Iraq" either...since all of them have unfortunately come true!