Monday, March 23, 2009

AIG bonus madness; Open thread.


airJackie said...

Sometimes you think you've won but end up losing. AIG is finished because their name represents GREED. Look for another company to take over. Right now businesses in the US and around the World are looking to pull out their investments and other business transacts as they move their money to another company. Look for Goldman Sachs to start campaigning for business as they call themselves the best. For some reason there is never enough money. Yes many people got millions in bonuses but that can only last but for so long. In the wings are other sharks looking to get some of it. Look for Law Makers to ask for donations saying if they hadn't approved the bonuses they would have nothing. All this AIG topic is to keep the attention away from how many others are doing the same thing.

SPB cute picture except Tim Geithner is short and Liddy can't jump he's to fat. Obama looks good and the AIG team looks like they just came back for a big dinner party with their gut hanging out.

SP Biloxi said...

"Tim Geithner is short and Liddy can't jump he's to fat. Obama looks good and the AIG team looks like they just came back for a big dinner party with their gut hanging out."

lol It was an offensive foul on AIG player. AIG players in the pic look like that they had too many kobe steaks and vino on the taxpayers' dime.

I will post Geithner's plan of removing toxic debt plan on the blog shortly.