Sunday, March 22, 2009

Dems hit GOP Rep. Issa for AIG 'Hypocrisy'

"Secretary Geithner either didn't know about the bonuses, and was grossly negligent, or he did know and failed to bring this to the president's attention," Issa said. "Either way, the end result has been a significant waste of taxpayer dollars, and he should take immediate responsibility and resign."

But should Issa have been outraged?

The California lawmaker received a letter about the AIG retention program back on Dec. 16, 2008, when Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., asked him and Rep. Edolphus Towns, D-N.Y., chairman of the House Oversight Committee, to call a hearing on AIG's compensation policies.

"It's regretful that Mr. Issa didn't feel this same outrage back in December when this was all taking place under the previous administration's watch," a Democratic aide told ABC News. "You know, it really makes it difficult to take his criticism of Geithner as anything other than hypocrisy when he waited until it was politically expedient to come forward about information he received months ago."

On Saturday night, a spokesman for Rep. Issa responded by stating that the lawmaker asked Towns to join him in requesting documents from Treasury for 10 companies, including AIG.

"In January, his first month as Ranking Member, Rep. Issa requested that Chairman Towns join him in requesting documents from the department of the Treasury pertaining to companies including AIG," Issa spokesman Frederick Hill said.

"Had Chairman Towns agreed to this request, light might have been shed on the executive bonuses Rep. Cummings, Rep. Issa, and others have been concerned about," Hill said. "Chairman Towns, however, would not agree to join with Rep. Issa in requesting these AIG documents from the department of the Treasury. Only letters signed by Chairmen are enforceable."
Read on.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Rep. Issa is one who will soon learn he might not hold his position in Govenment after all the corruption and crime he's done over the 8 year Crime Wave. Many of our current Law Makers both Democrat and Republicans are in fear of being exsposed and many will bow out with that only stay by excuse. I need to spend more time with my family.