Sunday, March 22, 2009

$218 million not $165 million.

AIG bonuses $218 million, not $165 million, A.G. says --AIG Financial Products handed out $218 million in bonuses, not $165 as had been previously reported, Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal said this morning. The ongoing AIG bonus controversy continued Saturday as Attorney General Richard Blumenthal said the total paid was actually more than $50 million higher than previously believed. The overall bonuses to employees at the embattled insurance giant were $218 million, not $165 million, he said. That number was calculated after Blumenthal's office received documents from the company on Friday.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Now I understand why so many people wanted to be Republicans and why even Democrat Law Makers moved to the dark side. It's was all about the money that was given out. Just think of it now we know where the 11 Trillion dollars of taxpayers money has gone. I must say the Bush Administration pulled it off real good. Not one American realized we were openly being robbed blind by our own Govenment. Just think if McCain/Palin had won the US would be just like the Fall of Rome.