Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Wingnut News for Tuesday.

Krauthammer: Bush ‘took a shoe for the country.’
During President Bush’s
press conference earlier yesterday, CBS News’ Jim Axelrod asked Bush if he had “any message” for his critics who, in the words of conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer, have “Bush derangement syndrome.” Bush replied that he didn’t “know why they get angry.” Asked to comment on Bush’s response, Krauthammer praised Bush on Fox News today, saying that “he took a shoe for the country, a bullet for the country” by absorbing all of “the opprobrium and the abuse” over the war in Iraq.



Anonymous said...

Krauthammer is in the Trib, he is a toned down Hannity that puts his pollution in ink.

Bush's press conference sigh right before his last address to the country.......sigh at least there is an end in sight to this train wreck of an administration that has derailed long ago.

I heard all I could stomach of the press conference, sigh...imbecile...sigh

airJackie said...

Wing nuts are trying hard to spin the history of the idiot. The shoe man said it was only to Bush and his policies and for the victims he had killed. But Americans are suppose to continue beleaving the lies of the wing nuts.