Tuesday, January 13, 2009

W's farewell and bizarre Press Corp therapy farewell.

W bid the Washington Press Corp farewell. In his own words: "Could things have been done better? Absolutely. Absolutely." Thanks for the memories, Bushy!

1 comment:

airJackie said...

The best line I think Bush gave is the following:


You have to love this man as he really can lie good. Now the speak song like a lunatic who needs medical attention right away. It was so bad some honest Journalist didn't know how to word the stupidity so they let the public make the decision. He must be seeing the millions he killed or he's jealous of the attention and poll numbers Obama has in the US and around the World. All the World Leaders are waiting for Obama. Israel told Bush not to vote to stop their Palestine Holocaust Massacre and Bush did as he was told. Katrina is so sad just thinking about it makes me cry. To think in my life time I watch a lady actully die live on TV begging for help from the US Govenment. Bush was in CA. when Katrina hit and he didn't know for 5 ddays until an aide brought him an NBC tape of what was going on for 5 days as the people were evening dying in the Dome as reporters were there. Countries came to the Gulf to help before Bush did and he sent them away. Some of the lies Americans have been told by the White House and the Media are out and we know who Bush/Cheney really are. I look forward to the Internation Court holding War Crimes against the Bush Administration.