Monday, January 12, 2009

Time to put a muzzle on Bush.

Bush On Katrina: ‘Don’t Tell Me The Federal Response Was Slow’
During his final press conference this morning, Bush defended his response to Katrina. He said he has “thought long and hard about Katrina” and admitted that “things [could] have been done better” but denied any problem with the federal response to the disaster, insisting, “Don’t tell me the federal response was slow!”:
BUSH: You know, people said that the federal response was slow. Don’t tell me the federal response was slow when there was 30,000 people pulled off roofs right after the storm passed. … 30,000 people were pulled off roofs right after the storm moved through. That’s a pretty quick response. Could things have been done better? Absolutely, absolutely. But when I hear people say the federal response was slow, then what are they gonna say to those chopper drivers? Or to the 30,000 that got pulled off the roofs?
Bush: It ‘may be fair’ to say that ‘Republicans don’t like immigrants.
In an interview with Fox News’ Brit Hume last week, President Bush said that the Republican Party needed to be “compassionate” on issues like immigration reform so that the party isn’t “
viewed as anti-immigrant.” Asked about that sentiment at a press conference today, Bush said that it might be “fair” to say that “Republicans don’t like immigrants”:
BUSH: Take, for example, the immigration debate. That’s obviously a highly contentious issue. And the problem with the initial outcome of the debate was some people said, “well, Republicans don’t like immigrants.” Now, that may be fair or unfair, but that’s the image that came out. And if, you know, the image is “we don’t like immigrants,” then there’s probably someone else out there saying, “well, if they don’t like immigrants, they probably don’t like me as well.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

I have never heard such a stupid press conference in my life. Bush sould like he was trying to convince himeself he was right. He had to been on something because he was all over the place. The Bush Family should get him some medical help soon. He talked about he inherented a Recession yet he came to office with a surplus. He is a joke around the World and even Israel is blackmailing him. Most of the GOP are fighting to save their secret crimes. When Gitmo closes the World will see the crimes the Bush Administration committed. Records already show the US tortured two children a 6 & 8 years olds who are children of a prisoner in Gitmo. This report is sick it's as sick as the Israel massacre on children. God forgive Americans because we did nothing to stop this.