Monday, January 12, 2009

Open thread for Monday.

8 days to go!


Anonymous said...

Information on Illinois Reform led by Patrick Collins, former Asst. US Attorney who put the last Gov behind bars

SP Biloxi said...

Interesting. Collins is an asset to the U.S. Attorney of Illinois. It is a shame that he is not back in the Northern District attorney office for a position. He would be an asset to the DOJ if Holder is confirmed as AG.

Anonymous said...

He left the DOJ, citing wanting to spend more time with his family.

airJackie said...

The shoes heard around the World. Some of the Bush supporters are saying this action was against the American people. I don't think so it's all about George W. Bush. Future generations from all over the World will know about the US President name George W. Bush who was a War Criminal.