Friday, January 09, 2009

SPB News for Friday.

Oakland Turns Violent Over Shooting — Protesters angry over a deadly New Year's Day shooting of a young black man by a transit police officer erupted into violence in downtown Oakland on Wednesday night while investigators struggled to determine what prompted the officer to fire his gun into the unarmed man's back.

US Senate supports Israel's Gaza incursion The U.S. Senate voiced strong support on Thursday for Israel's battle against Hamas militants [and civilians] in Gaza, while urging a ceasefire that would prevent Hamas from launching any more rockets into Israel. The chamber agreed on a voice vote to the non-binding resolution co-sponsored by Democratic and Republican party leaders in the chamber.

Pakistan al-Qaeda chief 'killed' Al-Qaeda's operations chief in Pakistan and another top aide are believed to have been killed, US sources say. Usama al-Kini and his lieutenant, Sheikh Ahmed Salim Swedan, were both killed in recent days, US counter-terrorism officials said.

Houses selling for $1,000
Rampant foreclosures in some cities are forcing banks to radically cut listing prices.
» Find out where

California may delay tax refunds amid budget impasse --With Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's veto of Democrats' $18-billion package of tax hikes and cuts, the state could begin issuing IOUs as soon as Feb. 1. GOP legislators join a suit against the package. State officials on Tuesday braced for the possibility of delaying tax refunds to millions of Californians, along with student grants and payments to vendors, as the latest round of budget negotiations between Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Democratic legislators collapsed.

AIG yanks $93 million in quickie payouts after Dems squawk American International Group deferred $93.3 million in questionable payouts to senior executives and former employees and agents following the intercession of two Democratic lawmakers. The lawmakers, Reps. Paul Kanjorski (D-Pa.) and Joseph Crowley (D-NY), criticized the Treasury Department and Federal Reserve for approving the payments. The insurer is due to receive $150 billion under the federal bailout.

Obama Team Asks Congress to Postpone Digital TV Switch President-elect Barack Obama's transition team today asked key members of Congress to consider delaying the nation's switch to digital television scheduled for Feb. 17, saying there is "insufficient support" for the problems consumers will experience during the shut-off of analog signals.

Barack Obama administration ‘prepared to talk to Hamas’ — The incoming Obama administration is prepared to abandon George Bush's ­doctrine of isolating Hamas by establishing a channel to the Islamist organisation, sources close to the transition team say.

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