Monday, January 12, 2009

Presidential inaugural rehearsal: The swearing-in ceremony.

January 11, 2009

Early this morning, the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (JCCIC), the Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) and the Armed Forces Inaugural Committee (AFIC) held a dress rehearsal for the 2009 Inaugural Ceremonies. The rehearsal included run-throughs of the swearing-in ceremony on the West Front, the departure ceremony and Presidential Review of troops on the East Front of the Capitol, and the Inaugural Parade along Pennsylvania Avenue

Early on this chilly morning, over 350 journalists, cameras and notepads in hand, filled the towering bleachers overlooking the West Front of the Capitol to take in the rehearsal of the swearing-in. To their left they gazed out over the expansive National Mall, the entirety of which will be open to the public for the ceremonies on January 20th, in the spirit of President-elect Obama’s call for the most open and accessible inauguration in history.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know if it's because Obama is from Illinois and all I hear is what the President Elect thinks about this, that or what not. But it's like Bush is gone already and no one cares what he has to say about anything.

Yes, this country is so looking forward to getting that trash out of the White House and back to Texas, and whatever swamp, cesspool Darth Cheney goes back to as well.