Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Obama to visit Ohio to discuss an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan.

Change gov:

Washington—On Friday, January 16th, 2009, President-elect Barack Obama will travel to Bedford Heights, Ohio, to meet with workers and discuss an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan, which would aim to save or create three to four million new American jobs and make the long-term investments needed to build a 21st century economy.

President-elect Obama will tour the Cardinal Fastener & Specialty Company, a growing company with innovative production practices that manufactures parts used to construct wind turbines. President-elect Obama will discuss how companies like Cardinal Fastener and workers like those in Bedford Heights would benefit from an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan, which would aim to create nearly half a million American jobs by investing in clean energy like wind power.

President-elect Obama will tour the plant and then hold a meeting with workers on the factory floor. The meeting is by inviation only but open to the press. The tour will be pooled.

Also this. Obama met with the conservatives right-wing. Now he is meeting with the liberals left-wing.

Obama meets with some liberal pundits.
Following up on last night’s dinner with right-wing luminaries, Barack Obama met this morning with a group of pundits that included some liberals. “T
he group included the Washington Post’s E.J. Dionne and Eugene Robinson, the Wall Street Journal’s Gerry Seib, National Journal’s Ron Brownstein, the New York Times Frank Rich and Maureen Dowd, and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, among others.” The participants were treated to “refreshments.”

Update: Last night's right-wing roundtable included "Peggy Noonan, Larry Kudlow, Rich Lowry, Michael Barone, and Paul Gigot."

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