Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Feds played candid camera with Blago.

Federal authorities used a video camera as part of their cache of tools to investigate Gov. Blagojevich in the final weeks of 2008 before his arrest, the Chicago Sun-Times has learned.

The camera, which likely was remote-controlled, was trained on the Friends of Blagojevich offices, 4147 N. Ravenswood, to help FBI agents identify individuals entering and leaving the campaign offices — and to identify who was talking on bugs agents covertly planted inside.

In addition, more phone lines and cell phones were tapped in the investigation than the government previously disclosed -- including the cell phones of at least three members of the governor's inner circle and two phones inside the campaign office -- capturing dozens of individuals in the days when the governor was pondering a U.S. Senate pick and when horsetrading for the seat was rampant, sources said. U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is likely among the numerous individuals recorded because he called Blagojevich's campaign office Dec. 3 to discuss his preferences for the seat.


Anonymous said...

I like the Capital Fax up to the minute coverage today that pointed out all the handshaking to the Gov! NOT!

PrissyPatriot said...

Oh good gravy, Blago IS done...maybe take a few with him. You know I'm non partisan when it comes to corrupt government officials. But they sure seem to be more willing to go after democrats quickly, while if republicans are ever cited, it takes much longer. Wonder why that is. Are republicans better at not getting caught? lol

Anonymous said...

How come it seems that certain corrupted Republicans decide to retire or not run again? They never seem to face the prosecutor. The justice system should be fair to all... rich or poor, democrat or republican, black or white.