Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More on Blago-gate.

* Three cheers for the Sun-Times
One of the charges the governor faces involves his stalling $8 million in funding for children’s specialty doctors across the state. The reason for the delay, according to prosecutors: to try to squeeze a $50,000 contribution from Patrick Magoon, chief executive officer of Children’s Memorial Hospital, which led efforts to get that funding.
Now — even in the wake of his Dec. 9 arrest — Blagojevich hasn’t lifted the virtual brick he placed on the $8 million prosecutors say his administration dangled in front of Magoon to get him to give to the governor’s campaign fund. And the anger the governor is facing for that appears to be growing.

More revelations
Michael Vondra — construction magnate and asphalt kingpin — is working on a new business deal with BP, the gasoline behemoth. And he wanted Gov. Blagojevich to help him out with state environmental regulators.
Vondra and the governor talked about the deal last Oct. 6 in the governor’s North Side campaign office — not knowing federal agents were eavesdropping.
Afterward, Blagojevich decided to hit Vondra up for money — $100,000 to be raised before the state’s new campaign-finance rules kicked in the first of this year.
These allegations are part of the criminal complaint against Blagojevich, but they’ve drawn little attention because federal authorities concealed Vondra’s identity in court records.

(h/t Capitol Fax Blog)


airJackie said...

Yes G-Rod has been a very busy man and other big names have got their piece of the big bucks and G-Rod will use them in his current problem.

Anonymous said...

this just gets uglier every day...hopefully as predicted we will have Lt. Gov Pat Quinn as Governor by Lincoln's Birthday, afterall Illinois is the "Land Of Lincoln"

Anonymous said...
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