Sunday, January 11, 2009

Biden releases letter of resignation from Senate

WASHINGTON (CNN) – Just days after being sworn in for another term, Vice President-elect Joe Biden has sent the Senate a letter officially announcing his resignation.

"I am resigning my seat in the United States Senate as the senior senator from the state of Delaware to assume my duties as vice president of the United States," wrote Biden, in a letter read by Majority Leader Harry Reid on the Senate floor Saturday.

The resignation will be effective as of Thursday, January 15 at 5:00 pm ET.



As Jimmy Carter's vice president three decades ago, Walter Mondale was widely credited with transforming the office and making its occupant a central figure in administration policy.

It is a role similar to the one Joe Biden insisted upon when he accepted the vice presidential nomination from Barack Obama last summer.

Mondale met with fellow Democrat Biden at his Washington transition office last week to share insights and experiences he gained as vice president under President Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981.

Although he would not give many details about that meeting, Mondale explained why Biden should be a natural fit for the office once described as "not worth a bucket of warm spit" before Mondale helped elevate the post to that of a trusted, independent adviser to the president.

"I feel very good about Joe. He's got it," Mondale, 81, said by telephone from his Minneapolis law office. "This guy has lived foreign policy and security stuff. And I don't think any vice president would work better with Congress than Biden."

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