Sunday, January 11, 2009

Blowhard News for Sunday afternoon edition.

It's Bushie day!

Bush 41 chokes up over Bush 43’s legacy.
In “
an unprecedented joint interview” of both Bush presidents, Fox News Sunday guest anchor Brit Hume asked George H.W. Bush (”Bush 41″) how he regards his son’s presidency. “Very positively,” the elder Bush said. “Why?” asked Hume. Bush then began choking up as he responded, “Well, because he can make a tough decision and stay with it. I mean, he’s been tested unlike any other president — with this 9/11. So he passed the test.”

Bush: I Personally Authorized Torture Of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

In an interview with Brit Hume that aired today on Fox News Sunday, President Bush admitted that he personally authorized the
torture of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. He said he personally asked “what tools” were available to use on him, and sought legal approval for waterboarding him:

BUSH: One such person who gave us information was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. … And I’m in the Oval Office and I am told that we have captured Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the professionals believe he has information necessary to secure the country. So I ask what tools are available for us to find information from him and they gave me a list of tools, and I said are these tools deemed to be legal? And so we got legal opinions before any decision was made.

The Patriot Act and illegal form of torturing of Mohammed will do Bush in. Notice that Mohammed is claimed to be the mastermind of 9/11. According to the
9/11 Commission Report he was "the principal architect of the 9/11 attacks". What about Zacarias Moussaoui?

Moussaoui is said to have been a replacement for the "first" 20th hijacker, possibly Ramzi Binalshibh. Moussaoui claimed that he is not the 20th highjacker and claimed innocence. Hmmmm. What about Mohamed Atta, the so-called ringleader of the 19 hijackers?

Lastly, what about Osama Bin Laden [who has been MIA for 7 years] who Bush claimed that was responsible for the 9/11 attacks and that it is our responsiblity to be bring him in dead or alive. Wouldn't he be the "mastermind of the 9/11 attacks?"

Obviously, Bush abused the Geneva Convention and distorted legal opinions on terrorism when he is actually is responsible for providing faulty and distorted intelligence on lies to the American people. It is my only hope that Obama goes line by line to review the Patriot Act, the intelligence, testimonies, the transcripts of the trial of Moussaoui, and the testimony of Mohammed to gather concrete evidence of war crimes against Bush and Dick Cheney.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Americans and the World have heard it from Bush lips he did/does torture and has lied for 7 years about it. Information now shows the CIA doesn't know anything but the lies these prisoners were forced to say. Now there are so many 20th Highjackers yet the only one that freely admitted it was let go by the USA. Yes one man named Fawaz Al Nashimi was captured and admitted his part as the 20th highjacker but the US accidently let him go and then couldn't find him. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed not known to others as part of Bin Laden was captured and his 6 & 8 year old children were tortured by the US as was he. The informtion he gave was dictated by the US and evidence showed he was not involved was surpressed. Mr. Hicks a college student visiting the Middle East was kidnapped and tortured for 7 years even when after 2 years the US knew he wasn't involved in anything. The International Law must charge the Bush Administration with War Crimes.
Israel had picket up the Bush Policy as now they are targetting woman/children to kill. Americans don't seem bothered by these horrors as we sit back and watch the Palestiine Holocaust Massacre happen before our eyes.