Sunday, January 11, 2009

Poll: 52% of Illinoisans oppose seating Burris; Minnesotans support the seating of Franken.


In case folks were wondering what the people of Illinois think of the Blago/Burris Farce:

Roland Burris is paying the price for an appointment that is tarnished and tainted by the cloud of corruption and scandal that hovers menacingly over the head of Gov. Rod Blagojevich, according to a new poll by the Glengariff Group.

The poll indicates that 52 percent of Illinois voters oppose the appointment. Only 32 percent support it and only 21 percent approve of the governor's decision to exercise his appointment power, while 72 per cent want a special election or an appointment by Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn to fill the Senate seat. "I think rather than a judgment on Roland, this is a judgment on the process," said Don Rose, political analyst.

By contrast, a plurality of
Minnesotans support the seating of Al Franken.

Burris used the Malcolm X approach in his interview on CBS talk show: Burris: By 'whatever means necessary'

1 comment:

airJackie said...

The people have spoke for themselves. I heard Burris say the people want him in office yet the polls show different. Now he will never be elected so he brings the race card out as a reson to have the Senate seat. We jave [ass pm frp, race bit Burris is stuck on the pass and G-Rod looked to that issue to cover his crimes.