Thursday, December 18, 2008

Former detainee: Gitmo is the ‘worst place in the world.’


This week, a judge ordered the release of three Guantanamo detainees, the first to be released as a result of a U.S. court ruling, because the government failed to prove they were “enemy combatants.” One detainee had particularly strong feelings about being held for seven years without charge at Guantanamo:

“For almost seven years, I was at the end of the world, at the worst place in the world,” Mustafa Ait Idir told the Dnevni Avaz a day after arriving back in his adopted homeland of Bosnia. “It would have been hard even if I had done something wrong (but) it is much harder if one is totally innocent,” he said.
Vice President Cheney said this week that Guantanamo was “
well-run” and detainees were “well-treated.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

This will happen to Americans in the future and no President can stop it since Bush made it US Policy. Unless the UN declares it illegal which would mean bringing charges against the Bush Administration. This action will be considered legal by all groups in the future.