Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich will not fill the vacant Senate seat left by President-elect Obama, his lawyer said Wednesday."[Senate Majority Leader] Harry Reid said that they're not going to accept anybody he picks," said Chicago criminal attorney Ed Genson to a reporter at a Springfield press conference. "Why would he do that?"
Read on.
Feds seek to freeze Blago campaign fund
Federal authorities plan to freeze Gov. Blagojevich’s campaign fund, crippling the governor’s ability to use the money for his legal bills.
In a letter this week, they put the Blagojevich camp on notice they intend to freeze the money, sources told the Chicago Sun-Times.
G-Rod is slick and Lisa got her free politicial publicity with the fake request to the Court. Games that's all that's being played right now. G-Rod is smart enough to know he has big names he can bring down with him. Now he will get what he wants from those who don't wont the truth to come out. Yes there were many who wouldn't buy into corrupt but many who did. Look for Lisa Lisa to back off as they get closer to her/Father's crimes.
Thanks SPB for letting us know who really did notifiy the Feds. IT WAS AN ATTORNEY!!!
The cat is a couple of days behind but it seems Lisa Lisa didn't bother to read the Illinois Constitution because it lists quite clearly who can ask the Supreme Court for a look see into if the gov is no longer competent.
I believe they rejected her request without any comments.
Yeah, all that was in yesterday's blog.
Next up, finding out if a special election is allowable or not to fill the senate seat. That will be a check on if Republicans bothered to read the Illinois Constitution.
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