Monday, July 14, 2008

Wrong way, Gramps.

Crooks and Liars:
This week, Americans were introduced to Wrong-Way McCain. To be sure, it’s the same John McCain (”McSame”) who would continue the policies of George W. Bush that 80% of Americans believe have put the country on the wrong track. It’s also the same “Jukebox John” who has changed his tune 61 times on issues foreign and domestic, including a dizzying 10 times in two weeks back in June. But as he showed repeatedly over the past several days, Wrong-Way McCain is also the Republican presidential nominee who simply can’t keep his stories straight.
Whether the result of crass political opportunism, transparent deceit or just plain confusion, on at least 7 occasions this week alone, Wrong Way McCain couldn’t remember what he stood for, if anything at all. (Read the rest of this story…)

1 comment:

airJackie said...

No matter how hard the White House Propaganda Department spins and the Media covers up and lies for McCain he still seems to put his foot in his mouth. This man doesn't no who's who around the world without Lieberman telling him or correcting him on his mistakes. Mrs. McCain better be looking for a new husband who can at lease remember her name.