Monday, July 14, 2008

Nice going, New Yorker; Tasteless.

Crooks and Liars:

Atrios says:
The New Yorker cover could have worked if had made more clear who it was satirizing (Fox news, the Republican party, Rush Limbaugh, whatever), or by being clever enough to provide the actual funny. As it is it’s just a reflection of the Right’s view of Obama, but there’s nothing clever or funny about it. The cartoon could run as is on the cover of the National Review, also meaning to be “funny” but with a different target.

All of this doesn’t make the New Yorker public enemy #1, just makes them idiots of the week….and the Doughy Pantload says:

What I find interesting about the New Yorker cover is that it’s almost exactly the sort of cover you could expect to find on the front of National Review.
Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton:

“The New Yorker may think, as one of their staff explained to us, that their cover is a satirical lampoon of the caricature Senator Obama’s right-wing critics have tried to create. But most readers will see it as tasteless and offensive. And we agree.”

Artist Barry Blitt defends the cover, saying that “It seemed to me that depicting the concept would show it as the fear-mongering ridiculousness that it is.”


airJackie said...

As the Media and Republicans call the fist bump a terrorist act not one Media reporter is saying Bush did the same thing. Are we to believe Obama and Bush are terrorist? It is a poor joke and let's hope people vote the right way so jokes like this wont happen again. Senator Obama is an American and it's a disgrace to see the lack of respect he is getting. Our youth are taking notice and will learn to do the same.

Anonymous said...

personally, i think the cover is brilliant. it exposes the conservative lies for what they are. but then again, thre are those that can't fight their way out of a paper bag.