Monday, July 14, 2008

Sen. Hagel won't endorse McCain; Will consider a post in an Obama cabinet.

Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) declined to endorse his party's likely presidential nominee, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, and said he would consider serving in a Cabinet under Democrat Barack Obama.

But Hagel, who last year considered a White House run as an independent, said he would remain a registered Republican, at least for now.

"I don't have any plans to endorse any candidate," Hagel, 61, said in an interview on Bloomberg Television's "Political Capital With Al Hunt," to be broadcast today.

Hagel broke with his party over the war in Iraq, which he called a "catastrophic mistake." He voted with Democrats to withdraw troops and against President Bush's troop buildup in Iraq last year.

Hagel criticized McCain for saying that Obama, the Democrats' likely presidential nominee, misunderstands the war in Iraq and was wrong to oppose the troop buildup. Hagel called McCain's criticism a "superfluous, gratuitous political comment."

More on the story.


PrissyPatriot said...

Go Chuckie! Ya see how good it feels to be an honest man?

airJackie said...

I have always had a lot of respect for Sen. Hagel as he stood up for not only the American people but for the Constitution while others from both parties had no back bone. I was sad to hear he will not run for re-election and I wrote him and said so. As SPB always say write your Senator or any elected official and let them know what's on your mine. Surprisingly I suggested he join if asked the Obama cabinet and help with his valued experience. I got a letter back thanking me. One would think that was it but it wasn't I also received a Christmas Card with pictures of Sen. Hagel's family. I realized the bottom line is we're all Americans and we have the same goal. Obama would do well to put Sen. Hagel in his Cabinet.