Monday, July 14, 2008

SPB News for Monday.

Bush to hasten Iraq troop withdrawal in bid to help McCain win White House President [sic] George Bush wants to speed up the withdrawal of American combat troops from Iraq, a move that could help to quell the anti-war anxieties of voters before November's presidential 'election.' Drawing down large numbers of troops would enable the Republican candidate, John McCain, to say that his forceful military strategy for Iraq was correct. American commanders want to reduce their deployment in Iraq to ease the strain on the military and free up troops for Afghanistan where they are taking a beating from the Taliban and other militants.

Arizona JAG officer wants Bush tried for war crimes --Joe Abodeely joins ranks with Vincent Bugliosi By Mark Yannone From the KPHX radio station in Phoenix, Arizona, Colonel Joe Abodeely told his worldwide radio audience on Saturday exactly how and why he expects George W. Bush to be prosecuted for the war crimes he committed as president [sic] of the United States.

US Army lawyer says his client was tortured A US lawyer, dealing with a case against a former Guantanamo Bay prisoner, has told the press his client suffered health problems when he was subjected to two weeks of sleep deprivation. According to Air Force Major David Frakt, a Pentagon-appointed lawyer for Afghan prisoner Mohammed Jawad, the incident occurred in 2004. Major Frakt, referring to Guantanamo Bay medical records, said Mr Jawad had lost 10 per cent of his body weight and was urinating blood after being subjected to what he has described as torture. The records, Frakt said, contradict military claims that Jawad suffered no ill effects from sleep deprivation.

British army in new Iraq inquiry after boy claims sexual abuse The Royal Military Police are investigating a new allegation against British troops in Iraq after a 14-year-old Iraqi detained in 2003 with a group of [food] looters claimed he was sexually abused. The teenager, named only as Hassan, has made a full statement in which he alleged he was forced to indulge in oral sex with a fellow prisoner while British soldiers watched.

Nouri al-Maliki ready to oust US from Iraq green zone The green zone of Baghdad, a highly fortified slice of American suburbia on the banks of the Tigris river, may soon be handed over to Iraqi control if the increasingly assertive government of Nouri al-Maliki, the prime minister, gets its way. A senior Iraqi government official said this weekend the enclave should revert to Iraqi control by the end of the year. "We think that by the end of 2008 all the zones in Baghdad should be integrated into the city," said Ali Dabbagh, the government’s spokesman. "By the end of the year, there will be no green zone," he added. "The separation by huge walls makes people feel angry."

Obama Wants to Deploy 10,000 More Troops to Afghanistan Senator Barack Obama is proposing that the United States deploy about 10,000 more troops to battle resurgent forces in Afghanistan, a plan intended to shift the American military focus from the Iraq war to the marked rise in violence from the Taliban. "As president, I would pursue a new strategy, and begin by providing at least two additional combat brigades to support our effort in Afghanistan," Mr. Obama, the presumptive Democratic nominee, wrote in an Op-Ed article published on Monday in The New York Times. "We need more troops, more helicopters, better intelligence-gathering and more nonmilitary assistance to accomplish the mission there."

Pakistan: U.S. Won't Cross Our Border --Foreign Minister Says No Foreign Troops Will Be Allowed In to Hunt For 'Osama Bin Laden' Pakistan's top diplomat said Saturday there are no U.S. or other foreign military personnel on the hunt for Osama bin Laden in his nation, and none will be allowed in to search for the al Qaeda [al-CIAduh] leader. In an interview with The Associated Press, Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said his nation's new government has ruled out such military operations, covert or otherwise, to catch militants.

Future taxpayers face $1.1 billion new transportation debt Counting the $350 million now being borrowed for bridges, and money borrowed by the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission over the past year to hand over to PennDOT under Act 44, Gov. Ed Rendell and the Legislature have already stuck future taxpayers with $1.1 billion in new transportation debt. The number will jump again in two weeks, when the turnpike writes more IOUs to send the first of four $212.5 million quarterly checks due PennDOT for the current fiscal year.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

First let's deal with the joke that McCain has the Latino vote because they trust him. 99.99 per cent of Latinos don't now who McCain is and the less then one per cent is taking kick backs.

If Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are saved it's because of the Foreign money put in and yes American homes will be owned by the Foreign share holders. This is what happens when a Government is corrupt as others slowly buy up the majority share to take control. With the idiot crooks in the Government stealing as much as possible never thinking they would get caught now there is a For Sale sign for America. The old days countries would invade to take over now smart countries buy up controlling shares for the take over. Homeowners will see what I mean when they ask who has majority shares in their mortgage payment.