Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Blowhard News Report for Wednesday.

McCain Adviser Flip Flops: Promises To Balance Budget By The End Of First Term…Or Maybe Second Term
Tuesday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) pledged to balance the federal budget by 2013. “John McCain will balance the budget by the
end of his first term,” a McCain economic plan stated. Top economic adviser Douglas Holtz-Eakin confirmed these plans yesterday to the New York Times, stating that McCain’s “plan is to balance the budget by the end of his first term in 2013.”
But on the same day, Holtz-Eakin flip-flopped on this pledge, lowering the bar for McCain by stating that the senator “has always” pledged to balance the budget by the
end of his second term. Bloomberg reports:

McCain senior economic adviser Douglas Holtz-Eakin repeated the 2013 goal in a conference call before McCain’s speech today. After the speech, Holtz-Eakin said: “The senator has always pledged to balance the budget by the end of his second term.” A McCain second term would end in 2017.

Huckabee Faults Obama For Not Having The Convictions Of Segregationist Jesse Helms
Tuesday, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee appeared on Fox News’s Hannity and Colmes to talk about Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-IL) lack of “convictions.” Huckabee held up the late conservative senator Jesse Helms as an example of someone Obama should aspire to be:

HUCKABEE: Well, Americans have consistently rejected the George McGoverns and the Michael Dukakises, the people who clearly and unapologetically are out there on the left — the Walter Mondales who said, I’m going to raise your taxes.
So when liberals are honest about being liberals, they get beat. I think it’s a situation — you know, you had the little clip of Jesse Helms at the opening of the show, and I’m thinking, what a contrast. The thing that many of us loved and admired about Jesse Helms was that, here was a guy, he didn’t care what you thought about his view, but you were going to always know where he stood because he stood for something and he stood clearly.
I think we’re not seeing that in Barack Obama especially in relationship — to his position on the war.

Jonah Goldberg compares Obama’s national service plan to slavery.
Today in a LA Times op-ed, conservative columnist
Jonah Goldberg compared Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-IL) plan to encourage volunteerism among students to a form of slavery, suggesting in the first sentence that “the black presidential candidate” might be violating the 13th Amendment:
There’s a weird irony at work when Sen. Barack Obama, the black presidential candidate who will allegedly scrub the stain of racism from the nation, vows to run afoul of the constitutional amendment that abolished slavery.
For those who don’t remember, the 13th Amendment says: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime … shall exist within the United States.”
I guess in Obama’s mind it must be a crime to be born or to go to college.

Bill O’Reilly says it’s all Liberal policies that have destroyed America’s economy
BillO must have missed the last eight years of BushCo because he says that all our economic problems are the fault of the dirty f*&king hippies. You see, O’Reilly asks: Is America a nation in decline? As if that’s a legitimate question. You know the answer he’s going to give. In his mind the media wants Obama elected and while most Americans aren’t liberals they want a president that will look out for them. The gap in wealth throughout the land is due to liberal policies that have led to the collapse of our education system. You see it’s all the kids fault since they can’t read or write well enough to compete in the work place so Obama will set up a huge Welfare state that takes his money and give sit to us. Why, it’s all so simple. Oh wait, when did they actually try to get a job?

McCain jokes about ‘killing’ Iranians by getting them addicted to smoking.
Last year, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) joked about bombing Iran to the theme of the Beach Boy’s “Barbara Ann.” McCain was widely criticized for the remark, but simply told critics to “lighten up and get a life.” The Washington Post notes that McCain tried joking about “killing” Iranians again today:
Responding to a question about a survey that shows increased exports to Iran, mainly from cigarettes, McCain said, “Maybe thats a way of killing them.” He quickly caught himself, saying “I meant that as a joke” as his wife, Cindy, poked him in the back.

Fiorina: ‘It may be Barack Obama who is running for Bush III.’
Last night on Bloomberg TV, McCain economic adviser Carly Fiorina repeated the laughable claim first offered by McCain economic adviser Douglas Holtz-Eakin that Sen. Barack Obama — not John McCain — would be a third Bush term. Fiorina said:
I think if you look at the record, it may be Barack Obama who is running for Bush III. But it certainly is not John McCain.


Anonymous said...

Same old hot hair been blown from Faux Noose.

Will people ever see Falafel guy and the Weasel for what blowhards they really are?

SP Biloxi said...

In due time, Chicago Native, these clowns will be yesterday's laundry should Obama becomes the next Prez. Maybe you can help Hannity get a job at Cook County mopping floors. ;-)

SP Biloxi said...

In due time, Chicago Native, these clowns will be yesterday's laundry should Obama becomes the next Prez. Maybe you can help Hannity get a job at Cook County mopping floors. ;-)