Wednesday, July 09, 2008

McSame = Bull!

Crooks and Liars:

John McCain spoke in Colorado trying to sell his economic plan on Monday, and further proof that he truly is McSame, he used the same cite as Bush did eighteen months ago.

In addition to small business, the other bright spot in our economy are our exports, which are estimated to be growing at over 7%. I’ll expand markets for our goods and services. 25% of all the jobs in this country are linked to world trade. In five states alone-Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and believe it or not, Colorado - over 5 million jobs depend on open markets. My opponent believes America would be better off by refusing opportunities to sell in growing foreign markets. But protectionism not only puts a hidden tax on almost everything you buy, but it undermines American competitiveness and cost jobs.

95% of the world’s consumers live outside of the United States. Our future prosperity depends on opening more of these markets, not closing them. Five years ago, the outdoor footware company Crocs was started by a couple of entrepreneurs with a great idea, ingenuity and drive. This former small business now employs 600 people in Colorado alone and sells over 50% of its products in 90 countries around the world. Building barriers to Crocs or any American company’s access to foreign markets will have a devastating effect on our economy and jobs and the prosperity of American families.
Not so fast, John.

And there is more...

John McCain got a question about a vet that he didn’t seem too happy about. Temper, temper:

McCain: I’ve received every organization in America, their awards…[questioner says something-inaudible] Now, sir, I don’t…I don’t know what you’re referring to nor do…[questioner continuing-inaudible] Sir, I’m responding to your question and then I will let you speak again, if you’d like, but you oughta…the way we try to conduct these is let people finish and then I will go back to [audience applause] to you…I’ll go right back. So I don’t know what bill you’re referring to or what you’re referring to and I’ll be glad to have you refer to it. But the reason why I have a perfect voting record from organizations like the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion and all the other veterans’ service organization is because of my support of them, but if you can go ahead and respond if you want to. Go ahead. Give him the microphone back.

Q: I’ll respond by saying this: that you do not have a perfect voting record by the DAV and the VFW. That’s where these votes are recorded. And the votes were proposals…they were proposals by your colleagues in the Senate to increase healthcare funding of the VA in 2003, 4, 5 and 6, for troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, and you voted against those proposals. I can give the specific Senate votes, the numbers of those Senate votes, right now.

McCain: Well, I thank you and I’ll be glad to examine what your version of my record is. But, again, I’ve been endorsed in every election by all of the veterans’ organizations that do that. I’ve been supported by them and I’ve received their highest awards from all of those organizations, so I guess they don’t know something you know. So I thank you very much and I will continue to be proud of my support for the veterans of this country and proud of their support.

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