Sunday, July 13, 2008

Blowhard News Report for Sunday afternoon edition.

My apologizes for not posting Sunday's free manuretv shows. I saw the line up. No surprises. Here are some of the highlights:

Fiorina: ‘To Say McCain Was Aligned With Bush On Iraq Is To Change History’
This morning on NBC’s Meet the Press, Carly Fiorina, surrogate for Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), defended McCain’s record on Iraq. She insisted he had stood up to President Bush and former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld repeatedly, and declared those who say McCain was “aligned” with Bush on Iraq are trying to “change history”:

John McCain stood up against George Bush and Don Rumsfeld in the prosecution of the Iraq war for many years. … To say that John McCain was aligned with President Bush on the prosecution of the war in Iraq is to change history.

George Will Sticks Up For Gramm: Americans Are ‘The Cry Babies Of The Western World’
Last week, Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) economic adviser Phil Gramm sparked controversy by stating that the U.S. is in a “mental recession” created by a “nation of whiners.” In response, McCain quickly tried to distance himself from his long-time friend’s remarks.

Today on ABC’s This Week, conservative columnist George Will acknowledged that the economy had slowed tremendously but nevertheless staunchly defended Gramm’s comments. “Phil Gramm was right of course,” Will declared. “Absolutely”:

WILL: On two points. … We’re not in a recession as commonly defined. That is two consecutive quarters of negative growth.
STEPHANOPOULOS: We may be running there though. Even Bernanke says so. WILL: We’re not however. Unemployment is just about the post-war average at 5.5 percent. His second point that we’re a nation of whiners: we are the crybabies of the western world. In fact, we have an extraordinarily low pain threshold.
Governor Mark Sanford (R-SC) goes blank trying to find differences between McCain and Bush’s economic policies.
Blitzer: Are there any significant economic differences between what the Bush administration has put forward over these many years as opposed to John McCain’s support?
Sanford: Yea, I mean for instance take, you know, ummm, ahhh, take for instance the issue of, ahhhh..(knocks on table) I’m drawing a blank. I hate it when I do that, particularly on TV. Take for instance the contrast between NAFTA. I mean, I think the bigger issue is credibility in where one is coming from. I mean, to that position are they consistent where they come from? John McCain has consistently stood against earmarks throughout his tenure in the US Senate. Regrettably, the President has not been exactly busy with the veto pen.
Blitzer: Let me get back to, you raised the issue of NAFTA. He’s a huge supporter of free trade John McCain.The Bush administration supports free trade. I don’t see a big difference between the two..
Sanford: No, I was going to go to a point, I was going to go to a point which is what you’d want is consistency with regards to that position.
Blitzer: that’s a major difference between Obama and the President, but as far as NAFTA is concerned McCain and Bush are on the same page.
Sanford: They are—for free trade.

The Chris Matthews Show: Do McCain’s Campaign Shake Ups Equate To A Shaky Presidency?
MATTHEWS: NY Times reporter Adam Nagourney wrote this week that quote even former McCain associates think voters now might be getting an early glimpse of the messy, unstructured way in which McCain and his White House might be managed. Howard, is this a fair problem for people to be worried about, staff shakeups, firing people, layering people, bringing in new bosses to run the campaign?
FINEMAN: Well, John McCain is not a systems thinker. He’s a leader by personal will and force of personality. He’s gathered a sort of constellation of people around him. Nobody ever actually leaves the orbit, it’s just different planets fly closer at different times.
MATTHEWS: Well, who are these former staffers that keep dumping on him in the NY Times?
FINEMAN: There are a couple who have escaped…who had escaped gravitational pull.


KittyBowTie1 said...

Crybabies of the world, Americans?

Go meet the French farmers. If those guys don't get what they want (which is everything) they throw onions in the streets.

airJackie said...

My lovely cat I've missed you alot.

Yes we Americans are cry babies as we've been robbed by the White House. Don't' forget Black woman are angry as I've been told. We have a first run on the bank and Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae will bring us down. Bush is down sizing Iraq troops but really sending them to Afghanistan. We continue to kill innocent people as what was done in the wedding party in Afghanistan. Now there is an out cry about 9 US soldiers killed in Afghanistan but not a word about 47 citizen including woman and children killed in Afghanistan by US bombs. As Rummy said stuff happens move on.

We will see more horror that the Bush Administration has created and it will be much worse. I love to hear Bush say all the problems of oil, food, recession, crimes of government are all the Democrats fault. One would think Bush has been on vacation for 7 years and just got back.

A house divided can't stand. Food for thought!