Sunday, July 13, 2008

Governator Confirms Link Between Global Warming And Wildfires, Hits Bush For Not Believing The Science.


On Friday, the Bush administration “rejected its own experts’ conclusion that global warming poses a threat to the public welfare, launching a comment period that will delay action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at least until the next president takes office.” As the Wonk Room’s Brad Johnson notes, EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson “attack[ed] the clear and present threat of global warming” and dismissed it as a “‘complex’ issue that hinges on ‘interpretation of statutory terms.’”

The decision was quickly denounced by environmental experts, EPA staffers, and even a member of President Bush’s own party — California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. In an interview this morning with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, Schwarzenegger laments that the Bush administration “did not believe in global warming.” He adds that even if officials had done something on Friday, he would have thought it “bogus anyway…because you don’t change global warming and you don’t really have an effect by doing something six months before you leave office“:

[I]t just really means basically this administration did not believe in global warming, or they did not believe that they should do anything about it since China is not doing anything about it and since India is not willing to do the same thing, so why should we do the same thing.

But that’s not how we put a man on the moon. We did not say let everyone else do the same thing, then we will do it. We said we want to be the pioneers, we want to be out there in front. … I think we have a good opportunity to do the same thing, also, with fighting global warming.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Now this is one for the books. Arnie was put in as Governor as the Enron corrupt plan done by the GOP worked. Arnie was such a loyal Bushie he spoke at the Republican Convention and has done what the White House put him in office to do. Well the party is over and now Arnie is all about Obama. His wife Marie will need her husband to have a job so it's suck up time. Look for other loyal Bushies to jump ship and change sides for a job. Arnie has done nothing for California but look for profit for his business. He did get money for the book Marie wrote as on California education brought her book but the teachers say it's worthless. Arnie knows it's time to use the Kennedy name now as he and Maria don't have any more house to sale. It's all about the money folks and we'll see many others changing sides.

I hope the Californians don't forget Arnie and his GOP friends were part of the Enron scam.