Wednesday, April 09, 2008

McCain is going to South Philly in find black votes.

Good luck, McCain, finding those black voters in South Philly. Release the hounds! ;-)
In a recent radio interview with Tavis Smiley, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said that he was going to talk to African-American voters by going “all over this country. I’m going to go to South Philadelphia, I’m going to go to the Black Belt in Alabama.” An op-ed in the Philadelphia Daily News, however, fact-checks McCain:

If McCain wants to win over black voters, first he’d better know where to find them.
South Philly has changed from a mostly Italian-heritage enclave to one that includes growing numbers of Asians and Hispanics. According to the latest census, while Philadelphia is a majority-minority city, African-Americans are less than a third of the population in South Philadelphia.
The press had a field day with John Kerry’s swiss cheese moment - front-page news in our town.
But McCain’s gaffes, and his serious policy differences with most Americans, attract much less press and public attention. They don’t seem to make a dent in McCain’s self-portrait as the most seasoned and experienced candidate for the presidency.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Boys 11 Men song MototownPhilly comes to mine. South Philly did have alot of Blacks during the
50's. So much has changed in 50 years. I remember when American Bandstand did allow Blacks and then when Dick Clark brought it, my sister and I got to dance on American Bandstand. Now McCain should release the hounds to find Blacks as they live all over the State of Penn. Someone should tell McCain the Civil Rights Bill made it possible for Blacks and all minorities to live where they want to.