Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Open Thread for Wednesday.

On a side note: I added a new widget on the right hand side called the Iraq casualties from the Washington Post where you can see the number of U.S. soldiers wounded and killed. Also, you can now click on the section where you can view all of the faces of the fallen soldiers.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the widget.

If more voters really saw the faces maybe they would vote more responsibly.

Anonymous said...
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airJackie said...

yes it's been a while now and the soldiers know who they will vote for and it's not McCain for sure.

SP Biloxi said...

Zapped the troll on the blog. Yup, it is really up to the American people to choose the right President that turn this country around, and I mean choose the right President regardless of the political party. Look for the issues from the nominee and not campaign promises.