Wednesday, April 09, 2008

DC Madam Trial: Witness testimonies denied Palfrey talked about sex.

From day two of the trial, we had testimonies from goverment witnesses that claim that there was sex involved. Now we turn to the defense side. Several testimony from witnesses claimed that Palfrey never talked sexual activity:

Chi-Sheon "Paul" Huang, 44, a lawyer from Rockville, testified before the jury of six men and eight women that he first contacted Miss Palfrey in the mid-1990s. He said that dozens of times over a period of five to eight years, he paid the flat rate advertised, $250, for about one hour of service with call girls.

Each woman denied speaking over the phone with Miss Palfrey regarding explicitly sexual activities when Miss Palfrey's attorney, Preston Burton, asked about the nature of the conversations with the defendant.

Virginia resident Andrea Detty agreed that she provided "full services" to customers in hotels and homes but said she did not speak specifically about sexual activity with Miss Palfrey.

Tracie Hoeffel, 44, of Maryland, worked two or three nights a week for Miss Palfrey for three or four months in 2001. At the time, Miss Hoeffel lived in the District and sent money orders to Miss Palfrey's post office box in California.

When Mr. Burton asked, "Did Miss Palfrey treat you fairly?" Miss Hoeffel answered, "Yes."

Fauzia Mack, 46, said she worked for Miss Palfrey's "social networking service" but stopped working after six appointments when she was asked an "inappropriate question" by an elderly client. Miss Mack testified that she never engaged in sexual activity with clients and decided along with Miss Palfrey that she would no longer work for Pamela Martin and Associates after the incident.

Looking forward to day three of the trial.


airJackie said...

Now we are to believe a woman signs a contract but thinks they should do something else. This contract will be the biggest problem for the Prosecution. It's well known that people do work on the side. These ladies signed a contract but did extra for extra money. Now I think Vitters will blow the Prosecution away. Did Vitters know that Ms. Palfrey's business wasn't a prostitution service yes. Did he pay for services other then what Ms. Palfrey described yes. Did he pay more money for that extra service. Every person can remember once in their life when doing their job as they were asked by a client to do something else and they got a tip or paid for that extra work on the side. Look these ladies were working for money and if given the chance to make some extra side money so be it. Now as for Vitters he used the service but if he says he paid extra for something that's out of Ms. Palfrey's control. Like all of us who work, even with a contract we must not look to get self profit.

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