Friday, January 04, 2008

Yeah, 'we can't be careful.'


But the anonymous letters sent to Iowa pastors supporting Mike Huckabee still deserve a tip of the hat:

Rev. Brad Sherman of Iowa was kind enough to pass this one along. He said it came in an envelope with no return address and addressed with a printed mailing label. Enclosed was
a printout from the IRS website.
It's not clear yet how many people received this letter. Huckabee's spokesman has
made noises about possibly seeking a criminal investigation, but given the crudeness and lameness of the attempt (if you're going to pull a dirty trick, why not at least pose as the IRS or the Justice Department?), I doubt that would get very far. Clearly it didn't have much of an effect.

1 comment:

KittyBowTie1 said...

I hope the IRS does investigate non-profits that cross the line into politics and revoke their non-profit status for being naughty.

To the IRS (in the voice of Mr. Burns):

"Smithers, release the hounds."