Friday, January 04, 2008

Huckabuck: Thanks, Now Give Me Some Money.

Huckabuck's email sounds like he is at church passing the collection plate!

This e-mail went out to supporters from the GOP's Iowa victor, Mike Huckabee. He won Iowa on a shoestring budget. But to have any shot at placing second or third in the Granite State or lasting into the next round of primaries Huck needs a serious cash infusion. So here's his morning after solicitation:

Thank you Iowa! Thank you to the people that turned out to caucus for our campaign. We succeeded tonight because of your confidence in our campaign, your support of our ideas and because of the support of tens of thousands of Americans not just in Iowa but across the country that went the extra distance and believed.

We are off to New Hampshire tonight where we will campaign until the primary next week. You can be confident we will be working through the night as we prepare for the next steps forward.

Tonight I ask you to do three things to help us build on our momentum:

1. Make an immediate contribution of $10, $25, $50, $100, or $500 tonight. We have proven tonight that we can win, and that we know how to effectively invest your contribution. Will you make a contribution tonight and show the world, the pundits and voters across this country that we have the momentum and it is sweeping us onward.
2. Share the Iowa results with friends and family. If there are friends or neighbors that doubted our campaign or are undecided please encourage them to visit our website tonight, tomorrow and over the next few days and learn more.

3. Consider becoming more involved in our campaign: Volunteer, Join a Meetup or start a Grassroots Meetup Team, Join our Myspace group, our Facebook group and our LinkedIn group.

Three ways to help us keep the momentum going: contribute, share the news and become more involved.
Again, I cannot adequately express my profound thanks to you. When people ask you tonight and tomorrow why you think we won, please tell them because we believed in some things and we stand by those things, and we do so together.

With deep gratitude ...
Mike Huckabee


airJackie said...

Rev. Huck is on the move and as any good old fashion Preacher he's now going in your wallet. Look for another floating cross aka bookshelf and some more of Jesus said give me the White House. I really don't understand how Americans who are educated can be fooled again and again. Bush used that trick and showed for the pass 7 years it's Satan in control. Rev. Huck is all about gifts and money and if Americans don't see this then we will lost this country.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Senator Durbin's e-mails ask people to donate to Doctors Without Borders.