Friday, January 04, 2008

McCain Suggests Lieberman As Possible Secretary Of Defense.

Lickerman as Secretary of Defense? God help us...


In his semi-weekly blogger conference call today, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) heaped praise upon Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT), who has endorsed McCain’s GOP presidential bid. McCain told the bloggers that he would like Lieberman to serve in his administration:
I would definitely want Joe Lieberman to play a part — particularly in national security issues — in my administration.


airJackie said...

Now Isreal will be in place to bomb Iran and Palestine to get control of the Middle East land. It's been a long effort since 1947 for the Jewish people to pay and work hard to get in US politics to take over. Lieberman almost made it to VP. Now we truly will have a mad man as Defense Secretary with a mission. Isreal is so corrupt they even stole the Holocaust victims money. Now if McCain does get in office Lieberman will get the land for Isreal and then work to have Isreal take over the United States.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Yeah, what *was* Gore thinking when he ran with Lieberman?