Friday, January 04, 2008

Georgetown Students Learn "The Law of '24'."

Jack Bauer 101 course? Who knew?


The new year means a new semester for law students. And while it may be a drag to return to all-night study sessions after a leisurely break munching on Christmas cookies, Georgetown University Law Center has an LL.M course this term that sounds pretty entertaining. Professor Walter Sharp is teaching “The Law of ‘24,’ ” which looks at the legal questions prompted by Fox’s hit show and its main character, Jack Bauer (played by Kiefer Sutherland). Here’s the course description from Georgetown’s Web site:

“The award winning Fox Television drama series 24 explores America’s fictional response to international terrorism through the eyes of Jack Bauer, a U.S. counter-terrorism agent. Oftentimes without remorse or regard for the law, Agent Bauer is willing to do what has to be done when faced with the threat of kidnappings, assassinations, nuclear detonations, and bioterrorism on U.S. soil — despite traitors in his family, his unit, and the White House; partisan politics; sleeper cells; and hidden agendas. This course provides a detailed understanding of a very wide-range of U.S. domestic and international legal issues concerning counterterrorism in the context of the utilitarian and sometimes desperate responses to terrorism raised by the plot of 24.”


KittyBowTie1 said...

. . . and gets the professor teaching it 15 minutes of fame.

SP Biloxi said...

LOL! Or maybe a spot on "24."

airJackie said...

This shows just how low our education has gone. To teach students about a TV show and you wonder why we're the lowest in the world at education. Now how many times have the producers and actors said it's made for TV it's not real. Now law students are taught that torture and corruption are the way to go. Don't look for any of these students to join the Military as they don't want the new rules to apply to them.