Friday, January 04, 2008

Bubba: Hillary can be a “comeback kid” just like he was.

For sure, this Presidential race will be alot of mudslinging. We shall see how Hillary, Obama, and the rest of the candidates do in NH.

"Absolutely," President Clinton said in a brief interview with ABC News.
"Remember I lost here," Clinton added, referring to New Hampshire. (Bill Clinton placed second in New Hampshire in 1992 behind Paul Tsongas.)

He then quickly listed off his other losses from memory: "South Dakota, Maine, Maryland, Colorado, before I ever won a state," he said.

So what can Hillary Clinton do to come back?

"Run that hard here," said her husband. "She's got a better profile here. They know more about her now than they did about me then. And I think she'll be fine. We just get out and go."

Bill Clinton did express one concern about the shortened time frame for campaigning in New Hampshire. New Hampshire's primary is next Tuesday, January 8-- just five days after the Iowa caucuses.

"I just wish we had ten days instead of five," Clinton said.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Hillary will be the come back kid and Obama will be right behind her. Everyday something new happens. Today we saw the stock market fall below 13000 and the unemployment rate up to 5 per cent. Look for more to come that will show American voters that Hillary is the one to get us out of this mess. I often look at how far Illinois has fallen and Cook Country is bad yet Obama can't make it to DC to vote on bills that will help his State. Hillary is campaigning and voting on bills to keep the State she represents getting what they need.