Friday, January 04, 2008

ARG: Hillary Barely Ahead Of Obama In NH, Before Iowa Caucus Was Held.

Here is what is looks like for the candidates in NH:

American Research Group has their first daily tracking poll out for New Hampshire, composed of data collected before the Iowa Caucus — thus making it an effective benchmark for measuring the changes in days to come. Here are the numbers, as compared to their previous poll from last week:

Clinton 35% (+4)
Obama 31% (+4)
Edwards 15% (-6)
Richardson 5% (+0)

McCain 35% (+5)
Romney 25% (-5)
Huckabee 12% (+1)
Paul 9% (+2)
Giuliani 8% (-1)

Ha Ha! Rudy is still in last. Paul still beat Rudy!

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