Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Breaking: Larry Flint has 20 leads!

This is payback time," Flint said. "And payback's a bitch."

From Thinkprogress:

Larry Flynt, the porn-industry magnate who first linked Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) to the escort service of the ‘D.C. Madam,’ said Wednesday that his investigators are tracking more than 20 leads on alleged congressional sex scandals.”

As Vitter remained missing in action for two Senate votes on defense policy, Flynt insisted that he exposed the conservative lawmaker’s sexual indiscretions only because they contradicted Vitter’s longtime defense of the “sanctity of marriage.”

“If someone’s living a life contrary to the way they’re advocating … then they become fair game,” Flynt told reporters. “I don’t want a man like that legislating for me, especially in the area of morality.”

On a side note: Flynt's investigator, Dan Moldea, matched the D.C. number of Vitter -- which appeared February 27, 2001 for a 1.2 minute conversation on Palfrey's records -- to Vitter last Friday.


airJackie said...

Now here's a man who knows sex.
You'll see 20 elected officials getting their bibles out and asking the Hammer for God's phone number. Vitter has been really busy I guess the massage wasn't enough. He had to go all the way to a Madam who services prostitution. See said she only talked about it after she saw him asking forgiveness on TV. If he didn't say anything she wouldn't say anything. Wendy Vitter should get some of those Victoria Secrets stuff maybe her husband would stay at home.
I wonder if ex Senator Livingston is still doing the wild thing with the female services. I guess the GOP will blame Bill Clinton for all this, it's he's fault these GOP men did wrong. I'm glad Ms. Palfrey has some help in getting to the bottom of this as they men will have to testify under oath was it just a massage or sex. In any case these men have told their States that they are Christian and only follow family values and morals, looks like they lied.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Wow, plus, that gives Larry Flint another 15 minutes of fame!! Isn't he the dude who wore the American flag like it was a diaper back in the 1970s?

If I ever get Alzheimer's and I can't remember everything, I hope that kind of trivia is the first stuff that goes!

PrissyPatriot said...

Now here's a man who knows sex. LOL, well put as always

Larry may be a lot of things, but a hypocrite he is not!

SP Biloxi said...

"Now here's a man who knows sex."

And a man in business that will use his power and resource to expose the hypocrites in office. I bet alot of his leads are people who were put in office in 2004 election on the "family values" campaign by Rove.

jan said...

I wonder if Ann Coulter's name is on the list.

SP Biloxi said...

"I wonder if Ann Coulter's name is on the list."

LOL! You never know with Coultergeist!